TikTok app on iOS for Vietnam from 0 to 451,965 installs while maintaining a great CPI and retention rate for Vietnam market on Facebook Ads

This is a report that I have created based on the performance of TikTok installations on iOS through the Facebook campaign.

We use both AppsFlyer and Facebook data to track the installations
The total spent on iOS platform amounts to 440,396 USD

This is the Total installitions on May. At the beginning of the campaign, our main priorities were increasing installations and identifying our target audience.
The fluctuation in the TikTok iOS conversion rate before May 10th was attributed to the fact that the ad creatives that could potentially drive a lower CPA have not yet stabilized.
The conversion rate has been fluctuating since May 10th due to our experimentation with different bidding strategies and audience dimensions.
During the final 10 days of the month. The key priority We have been switched to optimize the best CPA for TikTok iOS.

The iOS retention rate remained relatively stable throughout the month.

Among all the time periods for ad placement, from 6am to 12pm in the morning shows a gradually increasing trend, until the amount peaks at 9pm in the evening and then slowly decreases. The early morning hours have the least amount of ad impressions.

Fom the above graph, it can be seen that users are concentrated in the 18-34 age range, and there are more male users.

Based on the above graph, it can be seen that most of the conversions are concentrated on the Facebook ad placements, followed by the Audience Network placements. Instagram has a higher conversion rate, but its click-through rate is relatively low, so the volume is not significant. Data for other ad placements is relatively small.

Display of Facebook Ad Materials

Strategies for Optimizing TikTok Android
During the initial phase, the main target audience for ad placement was males and females aged 13-24. After increasing the ad volume, the target audience was expanded to all age groups. The lower CPA users are amoung the age of13-44. The goal has changed for final 10 days to optimise CPA , a significant installation declining was seen. That's because the ads were only delivered to13-44 age group users as we have identified them as users who can be acquired at a low CPA.
Tests were conducted targeting users with different interests, and interests targeting the areas of comics, cosplay, socializing, music, and video showed good results.
In terms of ad placements, during the initial phase, there were no restrictions on ad placements due to a high demand for ad space, and the placements were automatically allocated by Facebook. As a result, tests showed that the most optimal ad placements were Facebook Feed, Audience Network Native Ads, and Messenger. Therefore, after adjusting our strategy at the end of May, we selected the most optimal ad placements for our advertising campaigns.